The CorporateTransparency Act

New reporting obligations will affect nearly all small businesses in the U.S. in 2024, thanks to the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). At its most basic, the CTA is an anti-money laundering regulation. The goal is to make it more difficult to use shell companies to hide or move illicit funds. Once implemented on January 1, 2024, most small corporations, LLCs, and limited partnerships already doing business in the U.S. will need to file a beneficial ownership report (BO Report) with the U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) no later than January 1, 2025.  New corporations, LLCs, and limited partnerships formed on or after January 1, 2025, will need to file their first BO Report within 30 days after formation. 

Each BO Report will need to identify every “beneficial owner” of the reporting company (including non-US citizens) and, for each one, provide a full legal name, date of birth, home address, and a unique identifying number and supporting document (such as a driver’s license or passport). Identifying every beneficial owner is a complicated process that includes determining who or which companies and then who within those companies have substantial control over the reporting company. If BO Reports are not filed or are filed incorrectly, criminal or civil penalties could be borne by the controlling individuals of the entity and the entity itself.

Our CTA Taskforce offers clients a comprehensive, methodical, high-volume approach to ensure speed, accuracy, and consistency. Additionally, we utilize patent-pending tools for data privacy and security of personal data collected. Our task force is led by one of the leading authorities on the CTA, Jonathan Wilson, the author of The Corporate Transparency Act Compliance Guide. Additionally, our team includes senior partners with decades of privacy and corporate governance experience.



FTC Ban on Noncompete Agreements Overturned Nationwide

August 21st, 2024

The FTC’s Rule banning employee non-compete agreements was overturned by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas…

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Regulator FAQ Updates Give Insight about BOI Filings for Companies that will Dissolve

July 11th, 2024

Since the Corporate Transparency Act took effect this year, we have gotten a lot of questions about how to handle corporate dissolutions…

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New Update to FinCEN CTA FAQ Clarifies Tax Filing Data to be Used for “Large Operating Company” Exemption

June 12th, 2024

If you think your company may qualify for the “large operating company” exemption from filing under the Corporate Transparency Act, good…

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Maryland Legislators Consider State Transparency Bill SB 954

February 22nd, 2024

Business owners and attorneys are struggling to learn about the federal Corporate Transparency Act, but legislators in the State of…

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CTA for Small Businesses — Foreign Owned Companies

February 15th, 2024

With the dawn of the era of the Corporate Transparency Act, many US and foreign businesses are coming to grips with the new requirement…

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Small Business Association of Michigan – Corporate Transparency Act Webinar

February 8th, 2024

In February 2024, Jonathan Wilson spoke to the Small Business Association of Michigan about the Corporate Transparency Act. This webinar…

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CTA for Small Businesses — 90-Day Clock Is Running for Newly Formed Entities

February 8th, 2024

2024 is now a month old, meaning that the US is a month into the requirements of the new Corporate Transparency Act.  As a reminder, the…

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New York Passes “Mini CTA” for New York LLCs

January 31st, 2024

In late 2023, New York’s governor signed into law the state LLC Transparency Act, which will mimic certain requirements of the federal…

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About Taylor English

Taylor English Duma LLP was built from the ground up to provide highest-quality legal services for optimal value. The firm combines the best aspects of a traditional law firm with seasoned attorneys throughout the United States. Together, our attorneys work each day to provide timely, creative, and cost-effective counsel to help clients solve problems and achieve goals. Taylor English clients run the gamut from Fortune 500 companies to middle market businesses to start ups and entrepreneurs. The firm is the Georgia law firm member of GGI Global Alliance AG, the leading worldwide alliance of accounting and law firms, giving our clients access to a trusted stable of high-quality professional services organizations around the globe.

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